To: casey sears, section 8 illegal activities and The Vermont State House

section 8 housing

state of vermont doe's not make section 8 housing follow by the vermont state rules of housing codes but allow them to do illegal activities by putting people in un safe housing, allowing claudia donovan as well as paul detman threaten to take people off section 8 voucher for there illegal activities tax payers do not pay for thieves in our system but the state allows them to do what ever they want at the cost of our lives and unsafe housing, govener shumlins seceretary stated if it has to do with the state of vermont we will look at it, she gets over 6000 pieces of illegal documentation turns it over send it back untouched about time this comes to an end due to civil court tampering with all of my evidence my legal aid and section 8 housing paper work is habored in the court house dismissed uner state of vermont S842 eople when they are in the wrong but knowing of them they tamper with my paper work to make them look good sign my petition to have all of this come to and end ty casey sears.-12 cnc due to my disabilities of t b i adhd and concussions that gives me the temper i have makes me swear at

Why is this important?

section 8 housing illegally evicting me off of section 8 housing as well as losing everything i owned ripped me off over 100 thousand. and still threaten to take me off of my voucher if they don't stop receiving there illegal paper work as well as legal aids illegal documentation