To: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA-1) and Sen. Kamala Harris (CA-2)

Senators Boxer and Feinstein: Strengthen Social Security & Tell the President: "Hands off of Soci...

Senators Boxer and Feinstein: Co-sponsor the Strengthening Social Security Act of 2013, which will make ALL wages subject to contributing to the Social Security Trust Fund and tie Social Security's cost-of-living increases to the REAL cost of living for retired Americans.

Why is this important?

Recent news reports say President Obama is once again willing to sacrifice Social Security in the next round of budget negotiations with the Republicans, which may be just six weeks away.

California voters, we can’t let that so-called “grand bargain” happen. It’s not a bargain, it’s a betrayal–a betrayal of Americans who’ve worked hard all their lives and paid into Social Security.

The good news is that Social Security champions like Senator Tom Harkin not only have said “No!” to cuts, they’ve put forward a common sense plan to strengthen Social Security. But before Sen. Harkin’s “Strengthening Social Security Act of 2013" can get to a vote, it needs more co-sponsors.

That’s where you come in: Sign this petition urging our Senators Boxer and Feinstein to co-sponsor Sen. Harkin’s bill. The more Senators that co-sponsor the Harkin bill, the louder and clearer the message is to the media, Senate and House Republicans, and President Obama: “Social Security cuts are off the table. Period. End of story.”

Like millions of hardworking Americans, I worked and paid into Social Security for nearly 60 years, and my employers paid too. Join me in urging Senators Boxer and Feinstein to co-sponsor the Harkin bill. You’ll be taking an important step for keeping America’s promise to pay the benefits we earned, including cost-of-living raises which really keep up with inflation. You'll be saying "No" to "Chained CPI," which would cost the average retiree almost $100 a month after ten years.