To: The California State Senate

Serra High School supports SB 876

This bill would afford persons experiencing homelessness the right to use public spaces without discrimination and without being subject to criminalization.

Every human has the right to:
-Use and to move freely in public spaces
-To rest in public spaces
-To protect oneself from the elements
-To eat in any public space
-To perform religious observances in public spaces

Why is this important?

Junipero Serra High School is participating in a "Lenten Justice Project" where our focus is on raising money and awareness for the financially impoverished of San Mateo County. We also want to make policy changes.

The bay area is a very expensive place to live. More and more people are becoming homeless because of the cost of living and low wages. We don't want to kick them off the streets or make criminals out of them for not having a place to call home. Our mission is to be in solidarity with and to fight for those who don't have a roof over their heads.