To: Senator Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats

Shelter Workers and DV/SA Staff Inclusion in Hero's Fund

We would like for sexual assault services program staff, domestic violence services program staff, and shelter and crisis staff to be identified and included as essential workers, eligible to receive the compensation and benefits as outlined in the Hero's Fund, and any further relief funding packages.

Why is this important?

The work of crisis shelter staff and interpersonal violence program staff is vital to survivor safety. In the wake of "Stay at Home Orders" asserted by several states and municipalities, survivors are particularly vulnerable to their abusive partners. Access to the services and resources provided by the aforementioned Interpersonal Violence workers during this unprecedented time is essential to victims of abuse.

As you likely know, Senator Charles Schumer (NY) has introduced the Hero’s Fund in an attempt to reward, retain, and recruit essential frontline workers during America’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. There are two major components that are outlined in this proposal:

· A 25,000 pandemic premium pay increase for essential frontline workers, equivalent to
raise of an additional $13 per hour from the start of public health emergency until
December, 31, 2020

· A $15,000 recruitment incentive for health and home care workers and first responders to
attract and secure the workforce needed to fight the public health crisis.

Please support our call to include domestic violence and sexual assault program staff and shelter and crisis workers in the Hero's fund.

The deadline to sign is COB Friday, April 17.
