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To: Members of the Community / Investors of Micropets

Signing letter to Nick CEO Micropets to enable the project to continue.

Below is the letter that has been addressed to Nick. Micropets Community. Please sign this petition to show your support for this.


Nick - CEO of MicroPets
Petropolis City
June 20, 2023

Re: Urgent Request for Immediate Transfer of MicroPets Project Ownership to the Community.

Dear Mr. Nick,

We are writing to you on behalf of the dedicated MicroPets investor community with an urgent request that holds the key to the future of the project. Our proposition is clear and concise: we seek the immediate transfer of project ownership to the community to ensure its uninterrupted progress and ultimate success.

The MicroPets investor community comprises passionate individuals who have wholeheartedly believed in the project's potential and invested their time, resources, and unwavering commitment. We have witnessed recent developments that have raised serious concerns, and we firmly believe that the community, with its collective knowledge and shared vision, is best equipped to guide MicroPets toward its intended trajectory.

We emphasize the community's readiness to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding and advancing the project. By assuming ownership, we will ensure that the original plan, meticulously crafted by the community, can be seamlessly continued, guaranteeing the project's integrity, transparency, and long-term prosperity.

We kindly request your immediate consideration of this proposal. By opening negotiations with the community, we can establish the necessary legal frameworks for a smooth transition of ownership. This collaborative approach will allow us to address any outstanding concerns while preserving the trust and confidence within the MicroPets investor community.

Transferring ownership to the community presents a unique opportunity for all stakeholders involved. It relieves you of the burdens associated with the project, allowing you to explore new endeavors, while empowering the legacy and future investors to actively shape and participate in the project's success. This strategic move will undoubtedly ensure a seamless transition and pave the way for a promising future for MicroPets.

We look forward to your prompt response and commitment to initiate negotiations, as time is of the essence. Together, we can forge a path that secures the prosperity and longevity of the MicroPets project under the community's capable guidance.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Sincerely ,
MicroPets Community
[email protected]
Petropolis City

Why is this important?

To allow the Micropets community to keep Micropets alive and be apart of its future.


2023-06-20 19:55:38 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-06-20 11:46:08 -0400

10 signatures reached