To: President Donald Trump, The Alaska State House, The Alaska State Senate, Governor Mike Dunleavy, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Social security and Medicare

Leave social security and Medicare alone

Why is this important?

Don't allow any cuts to social security or Medicare. You promised us to protect us against any cuts or reductions. Keep your promise as we promised to reelect you. I served my country in the military for 23 years active duty, national guard and the reserves. I became 100% disabled because service to my country in Vietnam, Iran and Saudi Arabia. We need regular cost of living increases for social security. My spouse and I have meager retirements and we need every dollar to survive. I am a kidney cancer survivor due to direct exposure to jungle defoliants that I guided the Air Force to spray in operation ranch hand missions while I was an army engineer helicopter pilot in Vietnam. My spouse has undergone her 7th knee replace my surgery. We vets and retired older Americans need your help Mr. President. If cuts are made, we and many others will lose our homes, our health and our faith in government. We love our country, but does our government love us? If we can't afford to live here any more, will we forced to declare bankruptcy and in poverty?