To: Name, Title or Position (optional)

Southern Maryland Regional Transportation Priority Revision

This petition is basically a request for funding and execution repriorityation as soon as possible, [e.g. immediately] to renovate and upgrade as necessary existing rail system from Lexington Park , Maryland to White Plains Maryland and finally to Branch Avenue, Marlow Heights, MD metro stations. If not ongoing now, the planning should be expediated, than construction to begin immediately. This project would locate commuter stop locations from Lexington Park to Waldorf to a couple of Washington Metro stations in Temple Hills/Marlow Heights, MD. This is the same system already inplace in Virginia, eg. DC to Williamsburgh, VA. So, the idea is not difficult to comprehend. This would prevent deaths from car accidents due to traffic congestion and reduce green house gas, lessening the effect of damage to our ozone layer.
Federal funding should be explored for this environental interstate reason.

Why is this important?

I am many citizens of Maryland, within the Tri-county area including Charles, St Marys and Calvert work in the District of Columbia or Baltimore or its suburbs. This change of priority change, e.g. light rail/bus system project will relieve commuter congestion, improve safety, help position the Route 301/Route 5, improve emergency evacuations, and reduce green house gas, thus reducing damage to our ozone, eg. global warming.