To: The United States House of Representatives
Speaker Boehner & House : Reinstate VAWA including new provisions NOW!
Although the Senate passed the VAWA bill with new, life-saving protections for immigrant women, the LGBT community, and Native American women, the House passed a bill that ignored these new protections, and went so far as to strip the original bill of protections that have already been in place! All women in this country deserve the protections and life-saving services that the VAWA has been providing since 1994. Sign this petition to tell Speaker Boehner and the House that we want protection for all US women, and we want it now -- NO exceptions.
"Congress recognized the severity of violence against women and our need for a national strategy with the enactment of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994. This landmark federal legislation’s comprehensive approach to violence against women combined tough new provisions to hold offenders accountable with programs to provide services for the victims of such violence." --from the White House's fact sheet on the VAWA
"Congress recognized the severity of violence against women and our need for a national strategy with the enactment of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994. This landmark federal legislation’s comprehensive approach to violence against women combined tough new provisions to hold offenders accountable with programs to provide services for the victims of such violence." --from the White House's fact sheet on the VAWA
Why is this important?
Against Women Act is a direly need piece of legislation, that should have never been allowed to expire. We need this bill passed – and more so – passed to include protection and services for ANY woman in danger of violence on US soil.