To: The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer

State of Michigan Legislature:Protect State of Michigan Duty Disable Employees Pensions

Stop withholding Pensions of State of Michigan Personel that was on "Duty Disability" as a result of having been injured on the job from Northville State Psy Hospital.! At time of its closure, should have been included in retirement to which "Office of Retirement," and Human Resource Depts are refusing to process the claims." We are left out in cold.

Why is this important?

While employed at Northville State Psy Hospital, I became allergic to Latex and envirmental substances which turned iinto "Asthma and allergies while working as a LPN on J-3 and had to go on "Duty Disability," It was "Court Ordered to receive Workers Compensation, which I had but . " The Duty Disability " They refuse to process that claim, while they have termernated Workers
Compensation , and is stead fastly refused allow Duty Disability to go forth. Please Protect our "Rights, and Bridge any gaps from closure of Northville State Psy Hospital. I found it to be offensive that they have said short of Cancer nothing could/can make them leave Workers's Compensation alone which was stopped 2011 under present administration. We put our lives on line in good faith, Please Help Sign this petition and let's get it to those who signed off on State facility Closures, who I don't think intended for us to be left out in cold!