To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stay away from Social Security

"chained CPI," will hurt seniors who have paid into the system for their whole lives and are already struggling with rising health care costs. i think as a valued voter it would be in your best interest to veto this down and not allow the cuts to social security to occur. Take away pensions from one term elected officials in government instead.

Why is this important?

Government always takes, they never give trust me on this. It is our right to have social security. We pay into this S.S our whole working life. Let government get money from the one term elected officials who are pensioned their salary for life and get the gold platter of healthcare free for life for them and their family. Do not be ignorant to what is really going on. Contact your local officals and tell them your vote matters.