To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stimulate our Economy via Infrastructure Improvements

The US infrastructure needs updating. Some of it can be private efforts, but much of it would wait because our states and cities are out of money. The list is long: Roads, bridges, rivers and waterways, electrical grid, fiber optic communications, alternate mass transportation schemes, new fuel refueling stations, water planning, weather reporting, and more. You decide.

Housing is a major multiplier of jobs but it has been left on the roadside after being hit by a Mack truck called Wall Street. If you can fix housing to bring back the industry, do so. But if you can't, at least you could hire prosecutors to fix the bankers who created the mess.

Our tax code rambles like a bumbling idiot. It should be completely rewritten... but there was one rewrite not so long ago that might serve you well as a reference... and look to history of the amendments to determine what needs to be kept and what can be omitted. We would like it to be simpler with fewer lower progressive rates and deductions.

Entitlements are actually a fraud on the American public, but only if you sunder them. Better that you get us back to work to pay for them.

Election Financing must be identified and limited by individual donator to some reasonable dollar figure. M-Billions is not a good example.

We pray that you can feel the need as strongly as we do. Act now. Work visibly. Seek our opinion.

Why is this important?

We see a downturn in what was a very slow but steady recovery. We are now at a dangerous crossroads. It is past time for you to stand with us and work to create positive steps to correct the problems in our economy... Infrastructure, Jobs, Housing, Tax Code, Entitlements, Election Financing.
Today is a long way from the election... but it is the first day of the rest of your tenure. Use it wisely.