To: The Arizona State House and Governor Doug Ducey
Stop Arizona HB 2036 to protect women's right to choose
Stop HB 2036 and take a stand on the banning and criminalization of abortions after 20 weeks (actually 18 weeks). Additionally, this bill forces ultrasounds on anyone seeking an abortion at any stage.
Why is this important?
HB 2036 bans abortions after 20 weeks, well actually 18 weeks becuase the bill states that the gestational age of the fetus should be "calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman" (2 weeks before the egg and sperm actually meet up). Additionally, under this law, if a doctor performs an abortion after that 18-weeks, he or she can be charged with a crime, have his or her license revoked or suspended, and can be held liable for civil penalties if the father of the fetus decides to pursue legal action. The bill also requires a mandatory ultrasound for anyone seeking an abortion at any stage of pregnancy (hello, transvaginal probes) and mandates that a doctor offer to show a pregnant woman the ultrasound, describe it to her verbally and provide her with a photo of "the unborn child." It would also require a woman to wait 24 hours after the ultrasound before she can obtain an abortion.
This bill has already passed the Arizona Senate. We need to let the Arizona House and Gov. Jan Brewer know that the people oppose this bill.
This bill has already passed the Arizona Senate. We need to let the Arizona House and Gov. Jan Brewer know that the people oppose this bill.