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To: Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida Department of Health

Stop attacking trans & nonbinary youth & withdraw anti-LGBTQ+ Florida DOH guidance NOW!

Dear Governor DeSantis,

You've turned your back on parents and LGBTQ+ youth, again.  

The Florida Department of Health has released non-binding guidance opposing science-backed health care resources for parents of transgender children.

This new guidance demonizes medically-necessary care and asserts that parents do not even know best how to dress their child.

So once again, your administration is trying to replace science and the safety of young people with political propaganda.

Why is this important?

These latest attacks come after Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans passed and signed the horrible homophobic and transphobic "Don't Say Gay" bill into law.

Together, these are gross attempts at erasing, stigmatizing, and marginalizing the LGBTQ+ community.

And the latest guidance from the Florida Department of Health is a clear attempt to replace medical professionals with politicians in service to DeSantis' own political ambitions. It should be withdrawn immediately. 

DeSantis' runaway agenda of banning books, muzzling teachers, and erasing history is putting a handful of extremists in charge of every aspect of the lives of Floridians and is making the state less safe for LGBTQ+ families, especially trans and nonbinary kids.

All Floridians are watching.



2023-03-17 14:39:30 -0400

10 signatures reached