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To: Trump campaign

STOP disrespecting artists and take the aux cord away from Trump!

At a recent town hall, Trump spent nearly 40 minutes listening to music instead of talking to voters—and many of the artists whose music he played are pushing back, loudly. His behavior wasn't just bizarre; it was plain disrespectful.
Trump has a track record of using artists' work for his own gain, expressly against their permission, and it must end. Will you sign the petition to demand the Trump campaign STOP playing music without the permission of the artist?

Why is this important?

Dozens of artists have told Trump to stop playing their music at his campaign events—but it’s clear his campaign doesn’t respect their wishes. As fans and listeners, it's time to tell Trump that no one wants his playlist and we’re taking away the aux cord. 

Leonard Cohen’s estate issued a cease and desist when Rufus Wainwright’s recording of Hallelujah was played at Trump’s town hall, and Wainwright himself called it “the height of blasphemy.”

Irish singer-songwriter and activist Sinéad O’Connor was also included on Trump’s playlist, despite her estate's asking the campaign months ago to quit using her music. 

And “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses played even after lead vocalist Axl Rose requested the band’s songs not be associated with Trump’s campaign events back in 2018.

Still, Trump insisted on playing their music during his bizarre rally in Pennsylvania. And this is not an isolated incident; it is an ongoing pattern over multiple campaign cycles. 

Trump’s refusal to respect musicians is unacceptable. Will you sign our petition demanding that the Trump campaign immediately stop using songs for campaign events without artists’ permission? 


2024-10-18 11:04:36 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-10-18 10:48:55 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-10-18 10:44:12 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-10-18 10:42:18 -0400

10 signatures reached