To: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA-1) and Sen. Kamala Harris (CA-2)

Stop Ethnic Cleansing of Harari People in Ethiopia

We seek relief for the city of Harar, and its residents who are under siege and their plight is ignored by the Federal Government of Ethiopia

Why is this important?

This petition is to seek relief for the ancient and historic city of Harar, located in Eastern Ethiopia, and its residents who are under unprecedented siege. The citizens are being systematically persecuted, as they are forcefully removed from their homes and businesses; beaten, and even killed by some elements of the majority Oromo fringe group known as (Queerro), whose mob style intimidation won’t be stopped by the weak regional government and alas ignored by the Federal government. The Federal government is not upholding its solemn duty of protecting minorities and the desperate cries of the Harari people for help have fallen on deaf ears. The population of Harar is denied access to clean water and garbage disposal. Furthermore, the lawless mob is Hararis are beaten by thugs in clear daylight, while the hapless local police or Federal forces stand by and refuse to intercede and protect human rights and property rights of Harari citizens. The region is mired in a lawless atmosphere whereby some Oromo squatters lay claim to land and property belonging to Hararis, by forcefully occupying residential properties, schools, businesses, roads and public parks. This must not stand!!

We, Hararis residing in California hereby appeal to our senators, asking them to intercede and issue a stern warning and convey our concerns to US Department of State, the Federal Government of Ethiopia, and the US Embassy in Ethiopia.
