To: Governor Kevin Stitt

Stop Fallin's War on Women and Religion!

We, the people of Oklahoma, demand that you uphold our religious rights and freedoms by signing no bill that in any way limits the exercise of those rights and freedoms. We oppose any measure that would impose religiously-based legislation on the people of Oklahoma whether such law is Christian or Sharia or of any other origin, persuasion, or preference. We hold that your office shall do nothing to establish any religion- or the enforcement of its values- in our state. Therefore, we urgently request that you denounce and disband all efforts to legally define any aspect of human repoduction, namely those pertaining to the use of contraceptives and that of abortion- such as defining the fertilzed human egg as a person, which in addition to attacking our personal religious freedoms to believe and act as our conscience dictates, also undermines the use of some contraceptives, and targets the criminalizing of abortion. These efforts are poorly concealed attempts at enforcing a Christian morality upon a diverse community of Oklahomans whose right to personal freedom of choice and doctrine should be your paramount responsibility. We demand that you sign no bill that would endanger our rights or freedoms in this matter.

Why is this important?

Oklahoma is just one of many conservative states attacking Women's Rights in the name of religious justice. Most recent is the attempt at defining the fertilized human egg as a person, which would render some forms of contraception as well as abortion illegal. This amounts to little more than the establishment of Christian Law in Oklahoma, which should be just as swiftly rejected as Oklahoma"s 2010 attempt at "preventing" Islamic Sharia Law from ever being enforced or protected in Oklahoma. Using religion to advance the War on Women's Rights is unethical and unconstitutional. Sign this petition to stop Mary Fallin's War on Women's Rights and protect the religious freedoms of all Oklahomans.
