To: Senator Cantwell, Senator Murray, and Representative Derek Kilmer

Stop Social Security Cuts

President Obama released a budget proposal with $112 billion in Social Security cuts. According to the AARP, a typical 80-year-old woman will lose the equivalent of three months worth of food annually under this plan.

President Obama may have made the worst mistake of his presidency. We need to make sure Congress rejects these cuts.

Why is this important?

President Obama released a budget proposal with $112 billion in Social Security cuts. According to the AARP, a typical 80-year-old woman will lose the equivalent of three months worth of food annually under this plan.

Today, we reflect on why cutting Social Security is a bad idea: The Government does not fund Social Security, not directly makes contributions to SS. Workers are the only contributing factor.
SS is not insolvent. Fact: SS is stable. The government wants to turn it into a voucher system, subject to the stock market. We Simply cannot afford to let this happen. By adding your signature, your signature sends a strong message to our elected officials that we are standing behind them for doing the right thing. Please add your voice to this very important issue. Thank you for all that you do.

Larry Green