To: The Pennsylvania State Senate

Stop speeding on Rittenhouse Street in Germantown

The speed limit on Rittenhouse Street in Germantown is 25 MPH, people drive an average of 45 to 50 MPH. There are 4 churches and 2 daycare facilities within the 3 blocks from Germantown Avenue to Greene Street. There is no stop sign, speed bump or retribution for the hundreds of daily speeders. This is a residential area, we want to feel safe on our streets. Please help us to get a speed bump and a stop sign before someone really gets hurt.

Why is this important?

The speed limit on Rittenhouse Street in Germantown is 25 MPH, people drive an average of 45 to 50 MPH. There are 4 churches and 2 daycare facilities within the 3 blocks from Germantown Avenue to Greene Street. There is no stop sign, speed bump or retribution for the hundreds of daily speeders. This is a residential area, we want to feel safe on our streets. Please help us to get a speed bump and a stop sign before someone really gets hurt.