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To: The U.S. Senate

Stop Suffocating Syria in Sanctions

The UN Special Rapporteur on Sanctions has issued a clear condemnation of the unilateral Caesar Act Sanctions imposed on Syria.

The report clearly points to:
Malnutrition, stunting, and maternal malnutrition have reached unprecedented levels, affecting more than 600,000 children under 5 years old.
Over 12 million Syrians, representing more than half of the population, are facing food insecurity, a 51% increase from 2019.
WFP reports that over 60% of pregnant and breastfeeding women are anemic, and 10% are malnourished.

Therefore, we ask the Senate to vote NO on H.R. 3202, or the 'Assad Regime Anti Normalization Bill' which is set to extend the murderous Caesar Act Sanctions that were set to expire in 2024 by an additional 8 years.

Why is this important?

For Syrian Americans, our people in Syria are suffering. No matter your political beliefs, Sanctions are not the way forward. The Caesar Act has turned the lives of our people into a living hell.

For our American peers, this is a question of human rights. 12+ million people in Syria are living a less than dignified life. They deserve better. Unilateral Sanctions are ultimately a betrayal of everything America stands for. A sanctioned population has its middle class eviscerated, becomes more desperate, and more radical.


2024-03-18 13:57:00 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-03-17 10:54:01 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-03-16 20:08:55 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-03-16 10:30:01 -0400

10 signatures reached