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To: Walker Township, Huntingdon County, Supervisor Chairman Joe Harford and Walker Township, Huntingdon County, Supervisor Vice - Chairman Matt Johnson

Stop the 2+ Million Phase 2 Administration Building in Walker Township, Huntingdon County

As elected representatives of Walker Township, Huntingdon County, you must represent the citizens as a whole and not just a few. Democracy rests upon the principle of majority rule and affords the people to have a say in how their government is run and gives them the right to be involved in making important decisions that affect them. Phase 1 of this project (pictured above) at 2+ million has already been completed without citizen input and has bound the citizens of Walker Township, Huntingdon County, to a 3.5 mil property tax until the debt is paid. The citizens of Walker Township, Huntingdon County, do not wish to invest another 2+ million of their tax dollars in this proposed phase 2 administration building and ask that you honor their request as you have been elected to represent their interests.    

Why is this important?

Position of Supervisors on proposed 2+ million phase 2 administration building; Supervisor Chairman Joe Harford, Aye; Supervisor Vice-Chairman Matt Johnson, Aye; Supervisor Jim Morris, NO.  Citizens of Walker Township, Huntingdon County, I urge you to put forth your position on the matter of the proposed 2+ million phase 2 administration building to your elected officials. Your silence permits the wasteful spending of your tax dollars and indebts generations to come. Say NO to the phase 2 administration building.



2024-06-16 19:27:59 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-06-14 08:31:39 -0400

10 signatures reached