To: Alan Armijo, Mayor’s Office and Isaac Benton, City Councilman

Stop the Roundabout on 12th and Menaul

In order to keep our neighborhood’s traffic flow down, I’m initiating a petition to stop the construction for the roundabout that is proposed for the area of 12th Street and Menaul! The last roundabout has caused major traffic backups and delays! Let’s make our voices heard!!

Why is this important?

This petition is being initiated to encourage and promote the stoppage of the roundabout construction on 12 Street and Menaul. We already have a roundabout by the 4-H Park (Menaul/Indian School area).

This roundabout has only created traffic nightmares and backups during rush hour times. It has created a dangerous blockage of a path for emergency medical response teams during that time, and it has created danger for pedestrians and bicyclists due to the fact that drivers do not yield at the entrance (and instead rush through the circle). This circle has also cost the city money due to the directional arrows being knocked down by some drivers.

Please sign this petition to help us change the minds of the development of the roundabout.