To: Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (OH-16), Sen. Sherrod Brown (OH-1), and Sen. Robert Portman (OH-2)

STOP the war on women and our rights to our bodies

Planned Parenthood is a lifeline for millions of women, providing cancer screenings, contraception, and basic preventive health care to women in Ohio and across the country.

The women of Ohio are entitled to equal rights in control of their bodies and in self determination. Stand with women by standing with Planned Parenthood.

Why is this important?

Republican leaders are threatening to shut down the entire federal government for the second time in three years unless Congress cuts funding for Planned Parenthood. We cannot let them get away with it!

Since entering office in 2011, Kasich has signed every anti-abortion measure that has landed on his desk, enacting a total of 16 restrictions that limit abortion access and family planning opportunities, and resulting in the closure of half the state's abortion clinics. With a bill pending that would ban physicians from performing abortions on women who want to terminate their pregnancy because of a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, the state is now wanting to regulate what reasons are "good enough" to terminate a pregnancy.
