To: Jeff Smith, Santa Clara County CEO, Mike Wasserman, Santa Clara County Supervisor, Cindy Chavez, Santa Clara County Supervisor, James Williams, Santa Clara County General Counsel, and Michael Rossi, Santa Clara County General Counsel

Strip DA Jeff Rosen's Pension Like He Stripped Victims

Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen has the worst record in the state when it comes to victims of sexual assault, rape and white collar crimes.

Why is this important?

Cutting the tax payer waste from the Santa Clara County DA's office for consistently failing victims of sexual assault, rape, domestic violence and fraud in the county's family law cases.

Jeff Rosen earned $372,945.77 in the year he maliocusly prosectued the Saratoga High Scool sudents realted to the sucide of Audrie Pott, while ignring doemtic violence in Audire's home. He earned this money as he proseucted two men based on false claims of rape and doestic violence, and Rosen containues to fail vicitms in family courts, including children who are separated from loving parents, for mony.

Recall Rosen and strip him of his tax funded retirement.
