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To: President Trump, Vice President Pence, National Governors' Association, Congress

Support a National Ventilator Lending System

A National Ventilator Lending System could be quickly and efficiently developed to assist states experiencing a shortage of ventilators on a rolling basis as the COVID-19 virus spreads around the nation. The Department of Defense is equipped to handle the logistics of the system.

In the alternative, the Governors of all 50 states could agree to a formula to share ventilators with the most critically affected states and communities to lend ventilators on a rolling basis.

Why is this important?

The greatest urgency to obtain ventilators is currently in New York, New Jersey and Louisiana; however, in the coming weeks, rural communities will experience an overload of COVID-19 cases.

A national ventilator lending system will help all communities in the United States and will save thousands of lives.


2020-04-06 16:35:07 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-04-06 13:33:00 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-04-06 13:04:28 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-04-06 12:54:10 -0400

10 signatures reached