To: Faithful Women Religious of the LCWR

Support Catholic Sisters

***Knowing that the Vatican is not likely to change its position even if people petition it for change, we offer instead this Letter of Solidarity with these faithful Catholic women religious, members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. These women need to know that Catholics and non-Catholics alike support them and recognize the theological truth and social significance of their witness. We do not want these women to believe the Vatican's claim that they might lead the faithful astray. Their continued courage to witness Gospel values through their lives and work is essential in bringing life into this broken world.***

Dear Sisters, Members of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious,

In light of the recent Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s (CDF) order to reform the LCWR, we write this letter to show our support of and solidarity with you, our Sisters. Some of us are Catholics to whom you taught the depth and richness of our tradition, while others of us are not Catholic but admire your commitment to social justice. Regardless of how we identify ourselves, we want you to know that we are deeply saddened by the CDF’s decision to reform your conference. Its report raises serious questions about the possibility for scholarly, theological reflection within an institution in which the Magisterium is “the guarantor of the authentic interpretation of the Church’s faith.” Such a call to blind obedience is offensive to the very catholicity of Catholicism and its rich and varied intellectual and religious history. It does not allow for the possibility of conversion or prophecy since it even attempts to foreclose the interpretation of what it means to be prophetic:

“‘Prophecy,’ as a methodological principle, is here directed at the Magisterium and the Church’s pastors, whereas true prophecy is a grace which accompanies the exercise of the responsibilities of the Christian life and ministries within the Church, regulated and verified by the Church’s faith and teaching office.”

Sisters, as you know, prophets are never welcome in their own land. And so we send you our love, prayer, and support as you engage in this critical time of discernment. Whatever decisions you make, we give you our blessing just as you have blessed us in countless ways.

Much peace to you!

Why is this important?

Last week, the Vatican released a report reprimanding U.S. women religious (aka, "sisters" and "nuns") within the organization known as the "Leadership Conference of Women Religious." The report claims that the LCWR and its members are in "grave" error because they have questioned the Church's problematic teachings related to women, sexuality, and prophetic engagement in the world. In order to show our rejection of this Vatican reprimand, we are signing this letter to show our support of and solidarity with these LCWR Sisters, who are faithful and justice-seeking Catholic women. Please sign!