To: The United States House of Representatives

Support H. Res. 333 that Honors American Veterans of WWII

Please show your support for WWII veterans who were POWs of Japan by cosponsoring H. Res. 333 and showing these veterans the dignity they deserve.

Why is this important?

H. Res. 333 supports the 67-year effort for justice by the American POWs of Japan who suffered untold hardships and misery in captivity and faced gag orders and poor treatment upon their return to the United States.

The resolution is an enduring message to all service men and women that their country will never forsake them.

These WWII veterans all in their 90s wish to see their dignity restored and memory honored before the last one passes on. The resolution thanks the Government of Japan for its apology and program of reconciliation given to the American POWs in September 2010.

The resolution further encourages Japan's great companies that used these POWs as slave labor to follow the example of their government to acknowledge and apologize to the American POWs. Japanese companies that used POW slave labor include Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Hitachi, Kawasaki, Showa Denko, Nippon Steel, and Nippon Sharyo.

To hear the POW experience in these veterans own words see:

To see H. Res. 333, please visit:
