To: Honorable David Ige, Governor, State of Hawaii

Support Waimanalo's Houseless Community - Do Not Sweep Waimanalo Beach Park!

The Waimanalo Neighborhood Board’s Residentially Challenged Committee was recently informed of a pending sweep of the camping grounds fronting Waimanalo Beach Park next week during the first week of August 2018. As a collective voice of the community, we are jointly writing to request that the sweep is postponed to an indefinite date as our community works together to find a permanent solution for the Waimanalo houseless residents and families that live in the Waimanalo Beach Park area.

Why is this important?

The anticipated sweep that will move the Waimanalo Beach Park houseless residents out of the area will not resolve the situation and will only make matters worse, pushing them into the residential areas or further out in the restricted beach areas. As community outreach providers in Waimanalo have seen – the displacement of houseless individuals and families leads to further stress and chaotic responses that may result in more serious consequences. We are asking that the state and county hold off on any sweep of the area as the community works toward solutions to identify a more permanent solution.
The Waimanalo community supports the Ohana Zones concept and it is a project we would like to see started in Waimanalo. A safe area designated for residents that understand rules and oversight will allow a place where houseless residents of our community can stay without being "swept." Now with Act 209 (2018) becoming law, Waimanalo would like to be the first community to pilot a program that allows a safe area for our Waimanalo ohana to thrive towards independence and eventually permanent housing.