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To: Kearney Township Board of Trustees

Supporting Kearney Township Short Term Rentals

Kearney Township Board of Trustees,
We urge you to consider the significant benefits that can be realized by allowing and regulating short-term rentals within our community. Short-term rentals offer an opportunity for homeowners to earn supplemental income, especially in challenging economic times, while simultaneously boosting the local economy by attracting tourists and business travelers. However, it is crucial that we implement clear and effective regulations to ensure the safety and integrity of our neighborhoods. Sensible regulations can strike a balance, safeguarding the interests of both property owners and the community at large. By embracing this approach, we can harness the positive aspects of short-term rentals, promote economic growth, and foster a harmonious living environment.

We implore the Board to engage in a thoughtful and collaborative process to craft regulations that address concerns related to noise, safety, and property maintenance. Such regulations, if well-designed, can allow short-term rentals to coexist peacefully with permanent residents, ensuring a thriving and inclusive community for all. By embracing this opportunity, we can encourage responsible hosting practices and uphold the values of our community while reaping the economic benefits that short-term rentals can provide. Thank you for your consideration in this matter, and we look forward to a prosperous and harmonious future for our community.

Why is this important?

We believe that short-term rentals should be allowed and regulated in Kearney Township, Michigan for several compelling reasons:

1️⃣ Economic Growth: Short-term rentals inject money into our local economy, benefiting not only hosts but also local businesses like restaurants, shops, and services. They create jobs and foster economic resilience.

2️⃣ Tourism and Exposure: By welcoming travelers, we open our doors to people from diverse backgrounds, enriching our cultural tapestry and promoting understanding. This exposure helps our city grow on the global stage.

3️⃣ Flexibility and Choice: Short-term rentals offer travelers more accommodation choices, often at a range of price points, making Kearney Township more accessible and attractive as a destination.

4️⃣ Homeowners' Income: Hosting can be a lifeline for homeowners, helping them afford rising costs of living, mortgages, and property taxes. It empowers individuals and supports housing stability.

5️⃣ Safety and Accountability: Responsible regulations ensure safety standards are met and neighborhoods are preserved. They promote responsible hosting practices, ensuring guests and neighbors can coexist harmoniously.

We recognize the importance of balanced regulations that address concerns without stifling the benefits short-term rentals bring to our community. Let's work together to create a framework that respects the rights of property owners, supports economic growth, and maintains the character of our neighborhoods.

Join us in advocating for sensible regulations that strike this balance and preserve the spirit of hospitality and community that short-term rentals can bring to our city. Together, we can enjoy the best of both worlds—vibrant short-term rentals and a thriving, harmonious community.

Let's stand for the freedom of choice, economic growth, and responsible hosting.


2024-06-28 12:01:06 -0400

10 signatures reached