To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Tell Congress: Stop Trump from going to war in Yemen

As your constituent, I am seriously concerned that the Trump administration's recent actions in Yemen could escalate our involvement into a full-scale war. I urge you to invoke the War Powers Resolution so that Congress and the American people conduct a public debate on whether such a war is just or necessary.

Why is this important?

Using faulty intel, President Trump ordered a pointless raid against al-Qaeda in Yemen that left one US sailor and more than a dozen civilians dead.

Now he and the Defense Department are threatening to involve America’s military in Yemen’s civil war, and even make it easier to put American boots on the ground in Yemen – with NO input from Congress.

Yemen is already devastated from two years of civil war and constant bombardment by the Saudi-led coalition, with US support.

Further military escalation could commit Americans to an outright war in a country whose civilians face constant violence and widespread malnutrition, and whose displaced can no longer seek refuge inside our borders.

By invoking the War Powers Resolution, Congress can intervene and stop the Trump administration from escalating US military operations in Yemen into an all-out war that can't be won.

We can't afford to sit by and let a trigger-happy Trump administration send American troops into conflict without so much as a public debate!

Sign the petition: Demand Congress take action to stop Trump from going to war in Yemen!