To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Tell Congress to Go Bold with Infrastructure ReBuild America

You've heard about crumbling infrastructure. Of course that needs to be rebuilt and that would create new jobs. But, the country also needs COURAGEOUS and BOLD plans for cities and towns, bridges, tunnels, railroads, airports, docks and highways of tomorrow. Let's put people to work and give our country the means and venues to make this the Greatest Century yet!

Why is this important?

This country needs to build for tomorrow, not simply to try to fix what was built yesterday. And, we need to put people to work by providing businesses and entrepreneurs the most forward-looking infrastructure that we can provide as a Nation.
From immigrant grandparents, my businesses have flourished because I was provided the best in education, technology and infrastructure. We need to do the same for every American.-Stefan P. Kruszewski., M.D., Princeton AB, Harvard Medical School MD and whistleblower. Harrisburg, PA 17110 USA