To: Mr. Larry D. Young, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Tell Dr. Pepper that women can handle any drink they put out!

Stop using sexism as a sales pitch!

Why is this important?

Dr. Pepper recently came up with a new "bold" flavor that is noted as being "manly". Now, there's a Facebook application chock full of misogynistic games and time-wasters. A new Facebook application put out by Dr. Pepper Bold has the tagline “It’s not for women”. On the page, (that was until recently, not able to even be accessed by women), it has a “man grade” quiz (where your abilities in pursuits such as baseball, jump starting cars, and quoting movies are put to the test), a man video section (chock full of clips that contain things that “women don’t understand”, a manly shooting gallery (where the object is to destroy high heels, unicorns, and rainbows among other “feminine” items), and “man-cronyms” With a tagline "It's not for women", Dr. Pepper has crossed the line, and is promoting sexism.