To: Pat McCrory
Tell Gov. McCrory to Stand WITH women, not against them
HB 465 is a proposal to triple the already unnecessary waiting period for a women to access an abortion, making it more difficult for women to access what is a safe and legal medical procedure. This legislation interferes with a woman’s ability to make the best health care decisions for herself and her family. Governor McCrory, we demand you stand with the women of North Carolina and defend them from this misguided and unnecessary legislation.
Why is this important?
Sometimes, you have to decide which side you’re on, and now is the time to make your choice: do you stand with women, or stand in the way?
Enough is enough. It’s time to make fairness, opportunity and reproductive freedom for women a reality in our country. Through our Stand with Women or Stand in the Way campaign, we are demanding that our elected representatives guarantee equal rights when it comes to fair treatment on the job, health care and having families.
It’s a simple choice: Stand with women by taking action to advance fairness, opportunity and freedom… or stand in the way.
Which side do you stand on? Take a stand for women in North Carolina by signing our petition against unnecessary regulation of women's rights in our state.
Enough is enough. It’s time to make fairness, opportunity and reproductive freedom for women a reality in our country. Through our Stand with Women or Stand in the Way campaign, we are demanding that our elected representatives guarantee equal rights when it comes to fair treatment on the job, health care and having families.
It’s a simple choice: Stand with women by taking action to advance fairness, opportunity and freedom… or stand in the way.
Which side do you stand on? Take a stand for women in North Carolina by signing our petition against unnecessary regulation of women's rights in our state.