To: Hospitality House, Transgender Law Center, United Methodist Chuch-- Grass Valley, Universalist Unitarian Church-- Grass Valley, Catholic Church-- Grass Valley, Every church in Grass Valley, The Union newspaper in Grass Valley, and City C...

Tell Hospitality House to End Their "Transgender Segregation Policy"

Our community understands that you have a policy which separates homeless transgender people who can't afford surgery away from other people of their same gender. We are signing this petition to urge you to hire an educator on transgender issues to teach your staff & clientele regarding the transgender medical condition & sociological issues as part of a harm reduction project for your establishment, & to remove your policy that further removes an already marginalized, highly-misunderstood minority which compounds emotional issues for these people & caters to the fears of people rather than educating them. Please meet this issue head on & use it as an opportunity to educate so that all homeless people can feel safe in your establishment.

Why is this important?

My name is Alexandra "Distance Everheart" Wilson & i've been homeless over 11 years & have suffered poverty, violence, harassment, & sexual abuse while living on the streets for many years throughout California. Me & my husband came seeking solace at your shelter & when I was asked by the staff what was between my legs "so they know where to put me", I felt offended & that it was not their business-- especially since no one is seeing anyone else naked at the shelter anyway! I was told that I would be in a separate area if I haven't had surgery, & this was only days after reading that the same people who funded the highly-divisive "Prop(aganda) 8" initiative are now spearheading a movement to remove transgender people from locker rooms & restrooms-- & apparently in shelters-- across California.

As an impoverished person for many years giving my all to help make the world better in my own way, I find it terrifying that people are dumping millions & millions of dollars into segregating transgender people rather than helping an already marginalized group afford surgery-- which I believe they would do if their hearts, minds, & finances were in the right place.

What I don't understand is why the shelter wants people to have a "mental health evaluation" & is willing to pay for those costs, but are not INSTEAD using that money to allocate for homeless people to afford their medical needs. I think that creates some mental stress right their when homeless people are seeing large amounts of money "flying over the tops of their heads" without ANY consideration as to how these things are directly adversely affecting our "mental health".

Too many shelters are being mismanaged, & this "transgender segregation policy" is a perfect example of too much power in the wrong hands-- so PLEASE prove me wrong & remove that policy.

Thank you signers & sharers of this petition for looking out for people in less fortunate circumstances & to all the community members who are helping to provide a space for people in need.

--- seeking peace in Grass Valley, CA