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To: Matt Barron, Celinda Lake, Gary Peters, Suzan DelBene, Jon Tester, Cheri Bustos, William McEntee, Jaime Harrison, Tom Perez, Keith Ellison, Howard Dean, Tim Kaine

Tell National Democrats to Campaign in Rural America Again

The Democratic Party has an amazing story to tell. It also has a lot of work to do with outreach (including with important base groups like African Americans, Hispanics & Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, young voters, women, people with disabilities, the LGBTQ community, union voters, small businesses, and much more).

They have also taken for granted the growingly isolated rural vote that has drifted to the Republican Party. Democrats can win rural voters, but they have to compete for their votes and earn their trust again.

The truth is from political science studies, surveys, and data, rural voters are truly up for grabs. Republicans have consolidated rural voters greatly from a matter of less than 15 years ago-way before Trump came to the scene.

Rural voters have significant pockets of Democratic base voters as well, as they do crucial swing voter demographics. Rural voters have a great distrust of government going back several decades. Rural voters are no more ideologically extreme than urban or suburban voters. Indeed, rural voters are not much more prejudicial than urban and suburban voters either (this has all been proven in several rural studies). Many Rural Americans don't even follow the news very much due to the decline of local newspapers-contrary to the traditional stereotypes.

Rural voters also care a lot about what is happening in their communities. They care a lot about the neighbors, friends, and family. They care about seeing signs of life and improvement in the economy, from lower poverty & unemployment, to higher income and rates of college education. They want to see their children stay in their rural hometowns, for example. And they like their way of life. They also want other people to care about them too.

Democrats competing in Rural America is not only good for their own electoral prospects, as important as that would be (especially since 2024 polls show Trump beating Biden by a larger margin with rural voters than he did with Hillary Clinton back in 2016). It is even better for the health of our democracy. As 18% of the national electorate nationally, Democrats can no longer take Rural America for granted. Or if they do, it is at their own electoral peril-and at a massive disservice to our very democracy.

If you want to be a rural advocate, sign this petition and keep the pressure up on the DNC to invest in Rural America campaigning once again.

Why is this important?

2024 could not be a more serious reason for Democrats to compete in Rural America if they really want to stop Donald Trump from winning the White House again.

Because Rural Americans are our Fellow Americans too.

How it will be delivered

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