To: The United States House of Representatives

Tell Your Representative to Preserve Nutrition Programs

The House Committee on Agriculture should focus on writing a Farm Bill that creates economic opportunity and improves access to healthy, affordable food for all Americans.

Wholesome Wave partners had important wins in the Senate’s Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act and the House Agriculture Committee should include the following in their bill.

Community Food Projects Program – $10 million per year to help communities build food self-reliance.

Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program – $20 million per year to develop farmers market capacity and create food hubs to connect farmers with schools, hospitals, grocery stores and other markets.

Hunger-Free Community Incentive Grants – An average of $20 million per year for a new SNAP local fruit and vegetable incentive grant program at farmers markets and other healthy food retailers.

Why is this important?

The pace of work on the Farm Bill is picking up. For more than a year, Wholesome Wave has worked on and supported a variety of Farm Bill initiatives designed to improve access to and affordability of fresh, locally grown food for underserved communities. Join us in weighing in on this opportunity to improve the food system. It comes along only once every five years. Now is the time to make your voice heard! Complete the form, register your views, and we will make sure they are delivered to members of the House Committee on Agriculture. (Find your Congressional District Representative for the box below at at