To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

The internet stays neutral. There is no question.

Gentlemen, as you know Ajit Pai is a man who works for the Telcos in many ways. He just gave a one finger salute to 90% of everyone as to whether or not the wires to and from any place are neutral. A move that is an ill-advised choice that signals reverting information to and from any place to the poor stagnet place it from roughly 1984 to the end of the internet boom. roughly 2005. No good can possibly come from this in any way. Further, Mr. Pai has both clear disregard for common sense, and if he is in fact working for Verizon or any other telco, in any way or on retainer from, and otherwise has legal and financial ties to them. Simply is not fit for chair. That is the literal definition of conflict of interest. That simply stated makes this whole process a magic show of epic proportions. and ultimately pointless. Someone neutral, fair and even keeled must stake Mr. Pai's place. Further why is this even a question? Keeping the internet safe and allowing the ebb flow of progress to take place is proving to be a handy tool for everything from checking mail to keeping an eye on space missions, and enjoying a solar eclipse, and Curiosity explore mars and truly astoundingly wonderful science. I personally can enjoy music and keep track with friends and acquaintances from across literally the entire world. Many of you do the same. This is not a question, the internet has worked fairly well since about 2014 when some of you wrote for long sagas to keep the internet neutral. So why is this even a question again?

Why is this important?

Ajat pai made a simple mistake. Lets help him fix it.