To: President Donald Trump, The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, Governor Kate Brown, and The United States Senate
The People's Recovery ACT
The "Excess Product" bill or People's recovery Act will greatly help the people of America and hopefully the world once we get it passed! Please ask for a copy of the Bill if you would like to see it.
Why is this important?
Wall street was "bailed" out years ago when they accepted money and benefits from the federal government, essentially re-booting the stock market, providing them with a second chance and a leg up. Recently, I have discussed a Bill known as the "Excess" product Bill to local congress people, in hopes that it will pass and go national. In a nutshell, the Bill would provide proprietary (for profit) organizations a tax break to work with non-profits oranizations that help people in many areas of need. For example, a local university has a business class that begins on a certain date, however, the class remains to be completely filled. The Excess Product bill would allow people in need to take that course at little or no cost so that it is filled, giving the university a tax break to do so. Another example, a local wal-mart or grocery store is getting ready to re-stock its shelves and throw out food near expiration. Instead of wasting the food by throwing it out, the store would connect with a near by non-profit or food bank to provide the food to people in need. Another example, a retail clothing store is coming up on a new season of fashion trends. Instead of throwing the older clothes out, the "out of season" clothing items would be donated to a local goodwill or other non profit to provide needy people with clothing. This Act also applies to real estate companies, utility companies, trade schools and health care entities. The time is NOW that the people work together, stand up and fight for what we deserve and what we need to get America back to a higher standard of living so that progression becomes less of a struggle and people are given a chance to Thrive once again. We NEED the people stand up and provide signatures in support of this BILL so that it can become law, so that we can get our lives back! The Bill is in its Draft stages, and now require the people to support it. I can provide a copy of this to anyone who asks in the matter of truth and transparency.