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To: Sun Country Flight Attendants

Time's Up, Pay Up!

This campaign has ended.

Let's join together to tell our union we have waited far too long with no significant progress to show for 5 years of contract negotiations. As our bag straps say, "Time's Up, Pay Up". With no real momentum to resolve our current unfair and outdated contract, we need to stand up and do something. It is becoming clear that we, as Flight Attendants, are not a priority, so it is time to make our voices heard.

Together, we can sign this petition requesting our union to:
  • Request release from mediation
  • Authorize a strike vote for the Flight Attendant group.

We deserve an industry-standard contract. We have been patient while the months and years go by and the company continues falling severely behind in our terms and compensation compared to every other airline in ULCC.

We can make changes if we stand strong together!

Why is this important?

Sun Country Flight Attendants need to be heard and seen, and the best way we can do this is with numbers showing our unified stance to demand that our union work for us and our needs.


2024-07-02 17:27:15 -0400

Petition is successful with 550 signatures

2024-06-24 23:23:34 -0400

500 signatures reached

2024-06-22 12:03:24 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-06-21 23:51:16 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-06-21 20:43:29 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-06-21 18:58:19 -0400

10 signatures reached