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To: Students motivation and Administration

To close the bathroom doors of ABHS

First, it was the boys bathroom the school had taken out their mirrors as well. Then, it was the women’s bathroom. Why are the students upset? Maybe because it takes away our dignity. Others can see men and women in the bathroom from the reflection in the mirrors. Taking them down only solve 5% of the problems. Mental health being a big part in high school students around the world and here at Anchor Bay. If I student is overwhelmed a save space one may go is the restroom. It’s away from everyone and the doors would have been closed. With the bathroom doors open it take away that safe space students used to use in times of need. Another reason is women have a time of the month many kids in high school are insecure about it. Imagine how they feel now that the whole walking populating passing the bathroom would hear them changing a pad.last reason is the guys bathroom. The guys use urinals and those from my knowledge are not in a stall. The mirrors getting taken down is a precaution but the door is open. With the door closed they had at least a little dignity. Now it has been crushed. Male Students are scared to use the bathroom in fear a bystander could see them well they walk by. Something needs to be done for the students at Anchor Bay High School. That’s why I strongly believe the doors to all bathrooms should be closed.

Why is this important?

It’s is important for the safety and security of the students well being


2024-03-02 16:44:26 -0500

50 signatures reached

2024-03-02 10:04:33 -0500

25 signatures reached

2024-03-01 19:24:04 -0500

10 signatures reached