To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

To finance infrastructure with zero percent perpetual Treasury bonds.

"Whereas our nation needs an enormous infrastructure investment to become the most efficient and most energy independent world economy, and

Whereas taxation will not provide the needed revenue for this investment, and

Whereas, during World War II, the Federal Reserve System financed the war by buying Treasury bonds "at any price and in any quantity",

Therefore we, the undersigned, do petition the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System , the Congress, and the President to finance our nation’s infrastructure by having the Federal Reserve System buy perpetual zero percent Treasury bonds in a quantity and at a schedule that, without causing harmful inflation, will minimize the time required to create the world's best infrastructure, including free education to the highest level, free medical care for all, the world’s most modern transportation and communication systems, the most advanced space program, and the world’s strongest armed force

Why is this important?

To permit Congress to spend more than tax revenue provides, the Fed now sells Treasury bonds on the open market and pays interest to the bond holders. This becomes a serious annual debt interest expense, adds to the national debt, and restricts spending on infrastructure necessary for national defense and competition in the world market.

There is a solution to this problem. When faced with the need to finance World War II, the Federal Reserve System bought Treasury bonds "at any price and in any quantity". The interest rate was very low and the quantity was very high. With the Fed’s money, the Treasury paid the nations’ salaries. The post-war spending of consumer savings turned old farms into new suburbs, spawned the baby boom, and began our golden age.

With the goal of repeating that wartime success, I have devised a petition to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, to the Congress, and to the President: