To: The United States House of Representatives

To STOP the consumption of live animals

I know you probaly don't believe a signature can solve problems, but they make a HUGE difference. Fight for the voices that go unheard.

Why is this important?

This petition is being made to stop the consumption of live animals. There are so many "delicate" dishes that involve inhumane practices and suffering. There is a popular dish in Guangdong, monkeys are put under a table where there head pokes through the top, and you are to eat there brain while they are still alive screaming! In china there is a dish called ying yang yu. It is a fish half severely fried but just enough to where its organs are undamaged and its head untouched so it can live for 30 minutes. Its sickening to see people laugh at its pain and poke it for a reaction, all i see is the pain in its eyes as it begs to die. There is a dish in China called Huo Jiao Lu. It is the practice of eating a live donkey. They tie its legs together and cut into it and serve the pieces of the suffering animal directly to the customer. The animal stays alive until it can no longer handle the pain and loses to much blood. These are only the few of so many, please help me to end this pain and save the animals that suffer for entertainment and satisfaction.
