To: senator barbara mikulski . senator ben cardin .congressman dutch rupersberger

tragic medicare penalties

Give brenda goldfinger back her desperatly needed medicare penalty money that was so cruely taken over so many years. .

Why is this important?

when i was in my 20s i had health insurance thru my fathers business but when he retired and things changed i became sadled with a catostrophic medicare penalty of 110 percent. congress doesnt care. they just love keeping my social security money which i desperately need to live. i think they have taken 20000 dollars from me so far. they justify this by saying i cost them money by late enrollment. just the opposite. all that private insurance my father bought misguidedly saved the government a fortune. I only receive 537 dollars a month in social security. I am disabled and alone in the world. I need my money back to live in the world. I wish senator barbara mikulski and senator ben cardin and congressman dutch rupersberger would care enough to fix this nighmare