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To: Democrats & Pro-Democracy Political Leaders

Unite Behind Kamala Harris for President!

Vice President Kamala Harris is a formidable and experienced candidate, and her presidential candidacy has energized a multiracial and multigenerational coalition of people across the country. Now it's time for all Democratic leaders across the country to come together and endorse her immediately so we can present a unified message at the Democratic National Convention and build the momentum we need to to defeat Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.

Why is this important?

When President Joe Biden stepped down from seeking reelection, he immediately endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. It makes sense: An experienced lawmaker and public servant who has served a heartbeat from the presidency, she is ready to lead. In addition, millions of Democratic voters already supported her in the primary as Biden's running mate—and now she can step into the robust campaign apparatus immediately and take on Trump.

Many other Democratic leaders followed suit and endorsed her—including most of the other bold, progressive elected officials who were viewed as potential presidential candidates. They saw she's the strongest candidate and closed ranks. Vice President Harris has also secured the endorsements of progressive leaders like Senators Elizabeth Warren and Senator Raphael Warnock and Representatives Cori Bush, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Barbara Lee, Ilhan Omar, Maxwell Frost, and Jamaal Bowman.

But not all Democratic members of the House and Senate or other major pro-democracy policymakers, donors, or elder statespeople have done the same. If we are going to defeat Donald Trump, we need to get unified now! And we need to bring that spirit of determination into the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August.

There is no reason to wait: Vice President Harris is our candidate! We call upon all Democratic leaders to get on board and officially endorse Harris for president!


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500 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached