To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

United States Congress: Forbid Secret Trump -- Putin Contact

Congress should protect the United States of America by passing a Binding Resolution to rescind the invitation to Vladimir Putin to visit the White House extended without consultation with Congress and to forbid any meeting or communication between President Trump and Vladimir V Putin or other Russian officials unless such meeting or communication is open to and done in the presence of at the minimum, high level CIA, or FBI officials.

Why is this important?

President Donald Trump has a proven track record of revealing United States intelligence to Russian officials and trying to circumvent US sanctions against Russia through secret communications with Russian oligarchs, officials, and Vladimir Putin. His unprecedented secret one-on-one meeting with Putin at Helsinki has resulted in Russian claims that he has made verbal agreements to actions that Congress and the American People have no knowledge of, nor gave him the authority to agree to. He has conducted himself recklessly and incompetently and has endangered the security, moral stature, and economic security of the Unites States and its Allies. The deadline for this Petition is July 31, 2018.
