To: Transportation Committee

Upgrade 6th Street without widening it. Save our boulevards and trees.

We call upon the Transportation Committee to recommend to Brookings City Council that (1) it reject the state’s proposal to widen 6th Street from Medary to Main, and that (2) improvements be made to the street while maintaining four lanes at its current width.

Note: Please only sign this petition if you live in or around Brookings, South Dakota.

Why is this important?

We understand the desire to address traffic safety concerns, to improve under-street utilities, to replace old pavement, and to provide for future traffic loads on this stretch of 6th Street. But we believe that all of these can be done while retaining four lanes and the current street width. (Please see our reasoning below.) We still have heard no compelling arguments as to why the street must absolutely be widened.

1. Traffic safety.
· The safety problem meant to be rectified is not dire. To our understanding, there is less than one accident a month on this stretch of 6th Street attributable to turning, usually a fender-bender. It’s not at all clear that this minor accident would be eliminated by adding a fifth lane.
· That one minor accident might be eliminated by lowering the speed limit, putting up more speed limit signs, installing speed-monitoring signs, and enforcing the speed limit more strictly.
· Most intersections in this stretch already have turn lanes. We believe those turn lanes are sufficient.

2. Utilities. To our understanding, under-street utilities can (and should) be upgraded without having to widen the street. If the project kills any trees by harming roots, those trees should be replaced.

3. Pavement. The old pavement can be replaced without widening of the street.

4. Future traffic load. While we recognize the legitimacy of this concern, we question the approach being proposed to address it. Through-traffic should be encouraged to go around town on the bypass. Any traffic going through town on 6th Street should be made to slow down for the sake of community safety and local business patronage. It would defeat some of the point of a by-pass by making it possible for more traffic to move through town on 6th Street.

5. Citizen concerns.
· We need to keep the boulevards we have now in order to help with snow removal, to safely accommodate considerable foot traffic (including persons with disabilities) and bike traffic, and to preserve the distinctive beauty and historical feel of this part of the city.
· We need to preserve the widespread favorable opinion of our city’s green boulevards and mature boulevards in order to remain attractive to visitors, future residents, potential students, business people, and others.
· We need to retain as many of the mature trees as possible to preserve the street’s beauty; its historical nature; the canopy for the street, pedestrians and homes; and more.