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To: JW Marriott Washington D.C.

Urge Marriott: Don’t host extremist group Moms for Liberty in August!

On August 28, the far-right group Moms for Liberty will be hosting their annual conference in Washington, D.C. The Marriott has a responsibility to make sure that Moms for Liberty's hateful, extremist, homophobic rhetoric does not fill their lobby, conference rooms, and hotel rooms—creating an unsafe and hostile environment for their other guests. 

Add your name to demand that Marriott disavow Moms for Liberty's hateful agenda and refuse to host their 2024 summit!

Why is this important?

Moms for Liberty has orchestrated attacks on the rights of LGBTQ+ youth, public education, unions, and democracy. They are behind the wave of racist and anti-LGBTQ+ book bans that have swept the country. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, has been sounding the alarm on Moms for Liberty's dangerous activities. And disgraced former president Donald Trump said the group was "the best thing that ever happened to America."

But the Marriott has decided to give them a platform—AGAIN—during their "Joyful Warrior" summit the weekend of August 28 in Washington, D.C. 

Moms for Liberty has been accused of "terrorizing schools"—launching hateful harassment campaigns that have left educators, parents, lawmakers, and students in fear. They have used name calling and fear mongering to create hostile environments. They even showed up to a council member's house and threatened, "If you thought January 6 was bad, wait until you see what we have for you." Last year, a Moms for Liberty chapter in Indiana promoted a quote attributed to Adolf Hitler in their newsletter. This is the kind of propaganda that the JW Marriott can expect at the “Joyful Warriors'' summit.

Marriott boasts about promoting a "culture of inclusion and belonging" and their LGBTQ+ resources group for employees. Yet, they are hosting a group that actively threatens the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ people. Previous Moms for Liberty summits included sessions like, "Protecting Kids from Gender Ideology" and "Comprehensive Sexual Education [CSE]: Sex Ed or Sexualization." GLAAD recently reported on the insidious rhetoric Moms for Liberty uses to vilify LGBTQ+ people, labeling them as "groomers" and warning against "indoctrination," all while chipping away at rights, support, and care for LGBTQ+ youth. Marriott can’t say it supports its LGBTQ+ employees and guests while putting them in danger by hosting a known anti-LGBTQ+ hate group. 

Marriott has a history of hosting Moms for Liberty—including their summits in Philadelphia and Tampa. Enough! Demand that they disavow Moms for Liberty’s hateful agenda and refuse to host their 2024 summit! 


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