To: President Donald Trump, The Virginia State Senate, Governor Ralph Northam, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

U.S. Government and National Interests

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.”
President Abraham Lincoln

Fellow Americans, if there is but ONE PETITION you should sign in your life time it is this one for it addresses the very fabric of our founding Constitution, the role of our government, the rights and expectations of the American people, the very nature of our Democracy, and the protection of our National Interests.

Fellow Americans, we have far too long laid ignorant and silent about the hijacking, influence, and manipulation of our federal government by a foreign nation through its powerful Lobby, the Israel Lobby, that corrupts, bribes, and purchases our elected representatives through large campaign donations and a most supportive media that can make or break careers.

The net effect of such power is the nullification and neutralization of our democratic system whereby the government is elected to serve the American people first, foremost, and always; and not serve a foreign nation’s interests out of greed, fear, and intimidation.

George Ball (deceased), former Undersecretary of State and former Ambassador to the United Nations wrote in his book, “The Passionate Attachment”:

“Practically every congressman and senator says his prayers to the Israel lobby–they have done an enormous job of corrupting the American democratic process.”

Fellow Americans, this is the SINGLE Most Important Petition you will ever sign given that it impacts our rights and expectations from our government, our democracy, and the Constitutional fabric of our founding, and the nature and future of our nation.

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION and share it with every American you know, at home or abroad.

A signature for the freedom of our country from the grip of a foreign nation is the least patriotic duty any American citizen or resident can do for their country. We can’t afford to be cynical, skeptical, and silent as the costs of supporting this foreign nation escalate in terms of our treasury, military, and tragically at recent times at the expense of the lives of our young soldiers who unknowingly are sent abroad to fight another nation’s wars.


We The People, the undersigned citizens of the free Republic of the United States of America, hereby declare and demand that our government, a government elected by us to serve us and no other nation, immediately cease and desist all foreign aid, grants, loan guarantees, military, and intelligence cooperation given to the only “democracy” in the Middle East; which on many occasions violate our own laws ,such as the “Armed Export Control Act” of 1976, which only permits the use of American weapons for self defense purpose and not for military offensives.

We demand that all aid and cooperation be conditioned on that nation ending its decade’s long illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories and abide by all relevant U.N. Security Council Resolutions, and all applicable International and Humanitarian Laws. No person or nation should be above the law. We, Americans, with out governmental blind support of this nation are seen by the entire world as highly complicit in this nation’s impunity and immunity from being held accountable for its persistent violation of International Laws. In the eyes of the world we are just as guilty as this nation for the devastation, destruction, and loss of life incurred by its neighboring civilian populations.

We the People hereby give notice and warning to all our government officials, especially the President and Congress, that we will hold them accountable for their commitment to serve, support, and protect this foreign nation’s interests above our own, even when they contradict our own interests.

We the People through the ballot box will vote for a truly patriotic government that will serve, adhere to, and elevate the interests of the United States of America above all foreign interests.

So Sayeth the People, so help us God.

Why is this important?

Attention ALL Americans:
It is imperative that We The People Petition Our Government that it live up to its oath and pledge to our Constitution and to the American People that it first, foremost, and always serve and place our National Interests above those of any foreign interests.