To: Congresswoman Lois Capps, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
US Rep Lois Capps: Vote Against Social Security Cuts
We urge you and all your colleagues in the House of Representatives to strongly oppose any cuts to Social Security especially, or any programs to aid the unemployed or poor. Social Security is not an "entitlement" but rather a form of prepaid insurance guaranteed by the New Deal Coalition. To break such a contract, which we entered into trustingly, would be a violence to us citizens equal to those power abuses of greedy, ruthless dictatorships. Please let President Obama and the senators understand that by starving us and confiscating our homes, the Legislature is failing both the economy and us, the ones who hired them. Thank you for continuing to act on democratic principles and for listening to your constituents, Representative Capps. Respectfully, Maria V. Eyles
Why is this important?
It is rumored that President Obama feels he must descend to pandering to certain Tea-Party-inspired demands to make cuts in Social Security, and other programs deemed "entitlements." This is outrageous, and we beg honest and brave legislators to fight against the very idea. I, like many millions, live on the Social Security check I paid into all my life. My taxes pay the Legislators' salaries, and they sit around and block relief and progress. WHO are the entitled?? This sick perception of our democratic republic must be cured. Vote NO on Social Security cuts and/or dismemberment.