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MoveOn believes the public should follow the CDC's mask and vaccine guidance, including in schools, workplaces, and health care settings to protect public health and the economy.

To: City of Visalia

Visalia Gym’s Open Up!

We want Tulare County to acknowledge that Gyms play an essential role in our community, and allow the local gyms to open under strict guidelines.

We are done being closed! This closure has put a hurt on Millions of Americans, and our economy will feel this for many years to come. Small businesses have closed their doors forever, because they couldn’t last during this closure. With little to no support, who is helping the small business? All the while Walmart’s, Targets, DunkinDonuts and Starbucks thrive.

Our leaders speak of plans for openings, but provide NO REGULATIONS or timelines for openings. It’s time for US to take action. The gym owners are ready and willing to open to service our community.
1. spacing practices
2. Strict cleaning regimens
3. making sure shared equipment is wiped down consistently.
4.Sanitizing and disinfecting each gym, would need to follow strict practices.
5. Members would be required to abide by the current orders, and take self precaution.
6. Members and trainers will be required to stay at home if they show any signs or symptoms of an illness, or signs and symptoms related to Covid-19

Why is this important?

Gyms across our state provide an essential service in the health and well being of their members and community.
Many "essential" workers (police officers, labor workers, corrections, nursing and medical staff etc) are missing out on their place of respite and recovery from the stressors of life in this time.
People utilize gyms in order to stay healthy both mentally and physically and are in need of some semblance of normalcy.
One of the current main mortality drivers of Covid19 has shown to be obesity and we are literally unable to use one of the greatest drivers and motivators against it.
Our current administration in Washington, placed Gyms in PHASE 1 of the essential businesses to open to kickstart our economy. Allow us to do so!


2020-04-23 19:30:50 -0400

So the city of Visalia didn’t send a response. They apparently only respond with 1 sentence emails through Code Enforcement. Classy!!

They’re stating to abide by the Governors stay at home order. No answer of specifics, or what we can do to work towards opening.. just “stay home.”

2020-04-22 21:17:07 -0400

500 signatures reached

2020-04-22 11:11:33 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-04-22 09:57:59 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-04-22 07:23:41 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-04-22 03:50:10 -0400

10 signatures reached