To: The United States House of Representatives

Vote To Make Puerto Rico a Free Sovereign Nation

Puerto Rico has the ability to sustain itself with the help and guidance of America. If Puerto Rico becomes incorporated as a state into the U.S. the bail out would be a temporary fix, sinking Puerto Rico into a higher debt with the U.S., adding additional stress on the national debt. If Puerto Rico is assisted into a transition of a free sovereign nation they can create their own economy, and establish agreements that while under U.S. administration were impossible and bring a new wave of jobs and progressive potential to a free and newly independent nation.

Why is this important?

Under the administration of Spain and America, I see my people dying and collapsing under economical hardships and an island mandated by so many regulations that it is virtually impossible to have an economy. The people of Puerto Rico have endured political oppression and psychological warfare created to divide the people by separating the island into sects set on propaganda and political denominations bent on selling our cultural identity for a couple of U.S.dollars. We need Puerto Rico to be free. The U.S. needs to guide us to help us build our economy, then watch it grow.